I am an Irish somatic sex & relationships therapist & educator based in Edinburgh. I trained as a somatic sexologist at The School of Conscious Touch in Glasgow, previously set up & run by my teachers Katrina Clark & John Fraser. I am currently undergoing Embodied Processing & Root Cause Therapy training.

Since graduating from my postgraduate degree in International Development in 2020, I have worked in the third sector to provide holistic support to women in the criminal justice system, sex workers & those affected by sexual violence. This experience has been invaluable in shaping my trauma-informed practice & has motivated me to pursue this therapeutic path in the field of professional sexuality.

I have had a deep interest in human sexuality for as long as I can remember. My personal & professional experiences have encouraged this to develop, alongside a strong passion to empower people to befriend their bodies & enjoy life more, not just sex.

My Approach

I have struggled with the limitations of mainstream professionalism as well as the inaccessible nature of the sexual wellness space. Over the last few years I have come to realise that they both lack exactly what I crave: humanity.

When working with me, you can expect me to approach you as a person above all else. Having battled through shame of my own, I am determined to hold non-judgemental space for those who need it. To ask the questions that everyone pretends they know the answers to. To connect on a honest & equal level. To engage in a hands-on collaboration that makes you feel liberated.


You cannot teach consent without teaching pleasure. Pleasure, in all forms, is what makes life worth living. Pleasure will remain at the forefront of my support as I believe that it inspires an empathetic approach to the self & others.

healthy entitlement

Before I turned 21, I had already experienced multiple negative sexual experiences, ranging from unfulfilling to emotionally & physically unsafe. The stubborn Scorpio in me chose not to accept this & a sense of healthy entitlement was born. I am entitled to enjoy my body. I am entitled to ask for what I want, but not to demand it. So are you.